Collection: mo man tai

“As a label, mo man tai stands for bold, colourful, fun products, often with a pleasant DIY experience.

The brand name; derived from the kantonese expression for “No problem!”, hints at the strong belief that ‘design’ as profession can offer a meaningful solution for many (and complex) problems.

Since 2005 studio mo man tai is located in Eindhoven; with Ulrike Jurklies as owner and principal designer. She was initially trained as carpenter in Freudenstadt (Germany) and graduated as Dipl. Industrial Designer at FH München. During her internship in Hong Kong she decided to start her own brand after returning to Germany. Only a few years ago Paul Bas joined in the studio activities next to starting his own (product) design consultancy. He worked at design studios in the Netherlands, Belgium, Singapore and Hong Kong, across different industry sectors and product categories and is a keen promotor of sustainability and circular economy.

Together; as studio mo man tai, they develop and market products for their own brand mo man tai; often combining or selectively using more traditional and modern-day production techniques. And they also offer typical design services to thirds; supporting partners and/or clients with creative and organizational projects/strategies.

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